Virtual Consultation: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: The unlikely Vietnam War Veteran
Doug Hardee was 18-years-old when he enlisted in the US Marine Corps after attending one quarter of college in Gainesville in 1969. “I wanted to come back with the G.I. Bill behind me and live in an environment where you didn’t have to take mescaline to see a movie.”

In-Person Collaboration: Brand Building with Entrepreneurs: Outback Steakhouse and Publix Supermarkets take off big-time.
Doug Hardee was Creative Director and the driving force behind the advertising that helped make these two brands into national players.

Team Presentation: Author
Rock the Cosmos! Rock ‘n’ Roll in Outer Space and The Cosmic Whiskey Rebellion – Moonshine, Dogs and Rock ‘n’ Roll in Outer Space

Custom Presentation
Have an idea you’d like to speak with Doug about? He loves a good challenge! Contact him today to put together a presentation for your organization.